frequency, and as the result an increase of voltage and a distor-
tion of the quadrature phase occurs, as shown in the oscillogram
Fig. 25.

Various momentary short-circuit phenomena are illustrated by
the oscillograms Figs. 28.

Figs, 26^4, and 26B show the momentary three-phase short cir-
cuit of a 4-polar 25-cycIe 1500-kw. steam turbine alternator. The

Fig, 2f!/l, - - ri»il,1f)7," • Awymmetrieal.
Momentary Thrw-phnw Short (Circuit of IMO-Kw. 2300-Volt
Altwnator (ATH 4 I7UK) IHIK))» OwillopwuH of Annaturo C*urwnt and Field

lower curv<» given tho trmiHH'nt of tho fl(»I<l-<»x('iUug cum^nt, the
uppcT curve* that of c«t<^ of tlu* armature oumniln, ™ hi Fig, 2(14
that cum^itt whieh nhoulti \M noar aioro, in Fig. 20/f that which
should lu» iw»ar Itn maxiniuin value* at tho moment where the nhort
clreuit ntartH,

Fig. 27 HhowH Uu» Hinglc-phaw short circuit of a pair of machines
in which the »hort circtiit oceurnnl at the moment in which the
armature nhort-eircuit current Hhould Iw aero; the armature cur-